aBTC LP rewards on Merkle
Earn rewards by LPing aBTC-WETH pair on Merkl
Profit of aBTC LP:
$aBTC LPs don’t get debased and there are no deposit fees/withdrawal fees. All you have to do is provide liquidity and earn extra rewards on top of the trading fees!
How to start earning rewards by LPing aBTC-WETH pair:
Step 1: Buy $BTC https://app.uniswap.org/swap?outputCurrency=0xbD6323A83b613F668687014E8A5852079494fB68&chain=ethereum…
Step 2: Mint $aBTC by burning $BTC https://app.blackrocktradingcurrency.com/#/arbitrage
Step 3: Provide $aBTC - ETH rewards on uniswap v3 https://app.uniswap.org/add/0xa709aaD0691Fc67279577566640ae1D6515c1b81/0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2/10000?minPrice=0.003367&maxPrice=0.017469…
Step 4: Watch your rewards accrued on MERKL and claim your $aBTC incentives. https://merkl.angle.money/?times=active%2Cfuture%2C&phrase=abtc&chains=1%2C…
Additionally, you can access all the links here: https://app.blackrocktradingcurrency.com/#/abtcearn
Last updated